SaaS Website Builder, Project Management And Dashboard: Nextjs14, Bun, Stripe Connect, Prisma, MySQL Project Overview: Building a Comprehensive Agency Platform In this project, you’ll gain a deep understanding of both the front-end and back-end aspects of web development. This guide will walk you through creating a fully functional platform tailored for agency owners, ensuring a seamless development experience. Key Features 1. Landing Page Creation Build a landing page where agency owners can sign up and log in. Upon logging in, users will be prompted to create their agency profile and complete the onboarding process. 2. Dynamic Dashboard Users are redirected to an agency dashboard after onboarding. A sidebar dynamically populated from the database allows for easy navigation, with options to search and filter sidebar items. 3. Stripe Integration Incorporate Stripe Connect for month-to-month subscriptions. Agencies can create new Stripe accounts or connect existing ones, with the ability to charge platform fees on all transactions. Successful onboarding is indicated by a blue check icon in the Launchpad. 4. Performance Metrics and Billing Agency owners can view performance metrics and upgrade to premium plans through a customizable billing page. A custom Stripe form enhances the user experience during the payment process. 5. Sub Accounts Management Agency owners can create sub accounts for their clients, facilitating better management of multiple clients. Each sub account features a unique set of tools, including contact tracking, pipelines, and customizable add-on products. 6. Team Collaboration Invite staff members to assist in operations, with customizable access levels for each sub account. Sub users can be invited to access their specific accounts, enhancing collaboration. 7. Funnel and Website Creation Sub account users can design funnels and websites hosted on custom domains. Features include drag-and-drop funnel steps, automatic redirects, and easy product synchronization from Stripe. 8. User-Friendly Editor A fully functional editor allows users to create and customize pages with an intuitive interface. Features include undo/redo capabilities, responsive design previews, and a comprehensive components tab for easy drag-and-drop functionality. 9. Notifications and Themes Real-time notifications specific to sub accounts. A toggle for light and dark modes enhances user experience. Conclusion This project not only showcases the technical skills involved in building a comprehensive platform but also emphasizes a deep understanding of user experience design and back-end integration. By following this guide, you will be well-equipped to create a robust application that meets the needs of agency owners. Feature List for Multivendor B2B2B SaaS Platform Core Features 🤯 Multivendor B2B2B SaaS 🏢 Agency and Sub Accounts 🌐 Unlimited Funnel Hosting 🚀 Full Website & Funnel Builder 💻 Role-Based Access 🔄 Stripe Subscription Plans 🛒 Stripe Add-On Products 🔐 Connect Stripe Accounts for All Users (Stripe Connect) 💳 Charge Application Fee per Sale and Recurring Sales 💰 Custom Dashboards 📊 Media Storage 📈 Stripe Product Sync 📌 Custom Checkouts on Funnels 📢 Get Leads from Funnels 🎨 Kanban Board 📂 Project Management System 🔗 Notifications 📆 Funnel Performance Metrics 🧾 Agency and Sub Account Metrics 🌙 Graphs and Charts ☀️ Light & Dark Mode 📄 Functioning Landing Page